วันจันทร์ที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How to draw hand

Hands are as expressive a part of the body as the face. However, like the face, they are complicated and difficult to get looking accurate. Here are some basic ways to position your hands and to keep them in proportion.

When you are sketching in your figure, you do not have to worry about all of the detail in the hand and fingers right away. Break down the hand into simple shapes and lay in your drawing. Once you have everything positioned to suit your fancy you can begin creating the hand.

Once you have your sketch drawn in, you can finish your hands by adding shading. Look at your own hand and you'll notice wrinkles, shadows, nails, and other fine details that you can fill in. Cartoons do not need hands that look this detailed, but if you want to go for realism, then every detail helps!

credit by http://neondragonart.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

When drawing short hair, first ensure that the skull is accurately drawn and in proportion, with the ears properly placed. Begin by drawing in the darkest areas, with pencil strokes going against the direction of growth, carefully leaving white where there are lighter hairs.

Build up the hair in short strokes, working up to lighter areas. Take care to leave highlights clear. Use a harder pencil to lightly even out the tone between dark and highlight.Where hair is very short, or lighter hairs cross over dark hair, very short marks may be needed. Further highlights may be picked out with an eraser, or if need be, a sharp Exact knife or scalpel. (Try this last on a scrap piece first!!)
The shape of the nose varies enormously from person to person, because of their bone and cartilage structure, as well as the musculature of their face and the amount of fat under their skin. Its important to observe each individual carefully and study the shape of their nose and its position in relation to their other features.

The nose can be simplified into a basic prism shape. This will be formed with its apex at the bridge of the nose, and its base across the widest part of the nostrils, tapering up to the tip. Try drawing this simple shape with the face at different angles. Note that in this example, the right side of the nose is longer than the left because of perspective. Drawing this simple prism first helps you to master the perspective element.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How to drawing eye ????

When you learn to draw eyes, it is useful to think about the anatomy of the eye. Watch a friend's eyes as they look from side to side. You can see that the eyeball is not a perfect sphere. The cornea bulges out in front of the iris (the colored part), so that the while the iris looks flat, reflections from the front of the eye show a curved surface.

Note that when viewed from an angle, the pupil sits in the plane of the iris, and being in perspective is oval rather than circular.

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553


Credit by www.oknation.net

Credit by www.bloggang.com

Credit by www.oknation.net

Credit by http://i18.photobucket.com

วันนี้มีภาพวาดหุ่นนิ่งสวยๆ นำมาฝากค่ะ

วันศุกร์ที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Drawing is a simple drawing. This might be just a line or a complete draft time. A drawing that is used mostly as near the fingers of fruit and milk carton of Physiology.
Drawing is fundamental in creating the art work is simply to color before we have a drawing before. The drawing is broadcast ideas. And imaginative drawings of the well. We can see that this man, we start with drawing since prehistoric times. Drawings will need to see what Square is familiar in everyday life, culture and civilization in those days very well. Technique of Image in Contemporary drawing acropolis start from scratch on the wall shows a creative thoughts and beliefs in the sacred ceremony. Later, various people began to progress more about symbols and create more shapes are fabricated equipment used in drawing performance. Focus on the structure and details. This is a major goal of the current drawing.

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

การวาดภาพไม่ใช้เรื่องอยากถ้าเราตั้งใจ ลองพยายามดูสักครั้ง เพียงแค่หยิบดินสอขึ้นมาแล้ววาดภาพตามจิตนาการ อาจจะไม่สวยแต่นั้นคือ"ศิลปะ" ที่เราวาดด้วยตัวเอง เพื่อน ๆ ลองวาดดูซิ การวาดภาพไม่ใช้เรื่องอยากถ้าเราไม่ลองแล้วจะรู้หรือว่าเราทำได้